
Package Development

All your important functions in one place.

Bundling codes!

Software packages are an ideal way to bundle together and distribute codes and data for re-use in any given application. This can help improve productivity while also saving a lot of time.

We employ standard IDEs to build and maintain user-friendly packages that could be deployed to production and in empirical research. Debugging services for existing problematic codes are also provided. Any or all of the following are possible:

  • pkg with IDE (Rstudio)
  • pkg documentation (roxygen)
  • debug problematic codes
  • unit testing (testthat)
  • create git repo
  • archive in open source repo (CRAN, zenodo, etc)
  • publish in open source journal (JOSS)

With us you can be assured of an efficient software development projects!


![AB-test](/images/istockphoto-1337916489-612x612.jpg" #thisisengineering-raeng-uyfohHiTxho-unsplash.jpg)


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