Provides the means of testing the parallel regression assumption in the ordinal regression models. Also available is the brant.test().
LR.test(model, call=FALSE)
a single model object to be tested.
a logical vector to indicate if the model call should be printed.
the call of the model tested
the degrees of freedom
residual degrees of freedom
residual deviance
likelihood ratio test statistic
the p-values of test
a logical vector
The parallel regression assumption for the ordinal regression model can be tested With this function. It currently supports objects of class serp() and vglm().
#> Loading required package: serp
sp <- serp(ordered(RET) ~ DIAB + GH + BP, link="logit",
slope="parallel", reverse=TRUE, data = retinopathy)
LR.test(sp, call = TRUE)
#> Model:
#> serp(formula = ordered(RET) ~ DIAB + GH + BP, link = "logit",
#> slope = "parallel", reverse = TRUE, data = retinopathy)
#> LR-Test:
#> rdf rdev LRT df pr(>chi)
#> POM 1221 905.89
#> NPOM 1218 898.46 7.436 3 0.05923 .
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> H0: Proportional odds assumption holds