Provides a likelihood ratio test for comparing two or more serp
objects. This
does not currently support model(s) with penalized slope.
the respective model aliases.
type of slope fitted, which may be any of, unparallel, parallel, or partial slope.
the no of parameters in the model.
the akaike information criterion.
the realized log-likelihood.
the different pair(s) of test(s) conducted.
the computed Likelihood ratio statistic.
the degree of freedom.
the p-value of test statitic.
An ANOVA table with the following components on display:
m1 <- serp(rating ~ temp + contact, slope = "parallel", link = "logit",
data = wine)
m2 <- update(m1, ~ contact)
anova(m1, m2)
#> Likelihood ratio tests of ordinal models:
#> Model slope no.par AIC logLik Test LR.stat df Pr(Chi)
#> 1 m2 parallel 5 209.91 -99.956
#> 2 m1 parallel 6 184.98 -86.492 1 vs 2 26.928 1 2.112e-07